Bad bites or malocclusions are among the most common dental problems, but they can also cause significant health complications. From difficulty chewing and speaking to jaw pain and gum disease, bite issues are no laughing matter. If you’re looking for beautiful teeth, a confident smile, and better overall health, then it’s time to see how an orthodontist can help you.

In this guide, you’ll learn what treatments an orthodontist can do to give you a confident and beautiful smile!


Invisalign are clear aligners that straighten your teeth over time by gently moving them into place. During your treatment, you’ll change to different sets of aligners as your teeth move.

Invisalign aligners are made from BPA-free plastic and are more comfortable than traditional metal braces. They’re also an excellent option for adults since they’re clear in color and discreet.

Who Can Wear Invisalign?

Adults and teenagers are good candidates for Invisalign. Since young children still have teeth developing, your orthodontist will typically recommend other options like removable or fixed appliances to reduce problems with overcrowding.

What Conditions Can Invisalign Treat?

Invisalign can treat various bite issues, depending on the severity and if you have a combination of problems. These include:

  • Crooked teeth
  • Crowded teeth
  • Overbite
  • Underbite
  • Gaps in your teeth

Since Invisalign doesn’t apply the same force as braces, it may not be the best choice for more complex bite correction.

Also, your tooth shape and position can affect how well Invisalign will work for you.

Invisalign Consultation

Your first step to getting Invisalign is to schedule a consultation with an experienced orthodontist.

During this consultation, your orthodontist will evaluate the overall condition of your teeth and typically take X-rays. You’ll also discuss your smile goals and how long your treatment time will be.

Digital Impressions

Next, you’ll get 3D impressions of your teeth. These impressions will establish a treatment plan for you and allow you to see how the final results will look.

This 3D model also shows how Invisalign will straighten your teeth throughout your treatment.

Your aligner sets are then made from these impressions.

Wearing Invisalign

You’ll wear each set of aligners for two weeks at a time, then switch to the next set. Your aligners will fit tightly at first but will loosen up as your teeth move.

You’ll need to wear your Invisalign for 22 hours each day to achieve the results you’re looking for.

Invisalign aligners aren’t made to withstand the pressure of chewing food, so you’ll need to take them out when you eat. Liquids can stain the aligners, so only drink water when wearing them.

Rinse your aligners with water each night and brush them with a soft-bristled toothbrush and mild soap.

Most people need to wear between 20 and 30 sets of aligners to get straight teeth. Orthodontic treatment time varies, but most people take up to a year.

Metal or Translucent Braces

Another option is either traditional metal braces or translucent braces. Braces are a great option for either adults or children.

Metal braces consist of wires and brackets that are glued to your teeth. Braces apply pressure to your teeth to get them to move. They remain on your teeth permanently, and your orthodontist will periodically tighten the wires, so your teeth continue moving.

Compared to clear aligners, braces are more visible and less popular among adults. You can opt for translucent braces if you need to wear braces to correct your bite.

These braces match the natural color of your teeth and are typically made from porcelain or ceramic.

What Conditions Can Braces Treat?

Traditional braces are better for people with more complex bite problems. These include large gaps and overcrowding with twisted or overlapped teeth.

Additionally, people with their front top teeth protruding outward, also known as “buck teeth,” may need braces.

Your dentist will decide which type of treatment will work best for you.

How Long Does It Take To Get Braces?

Getting braces will take between 1 to 2 hours, depending on your teeth and the type of braces you get. Your orthodontist will place glue in the center of your tooth and then use a special light to set the glue.

After this, the brackets are put securely into place. Next, a flexible wire will fit through the slots of the brackets to connect your braces. Ligatures or small bands hold the wire firmly in place.

Caring for Your Braces

Caring for your braces is different from Invisalign. With braces, you’ll need to clean your teeth multiple times a day and ensure that you clean underneath the wires.

You’ll also need to avoid foods that could cause your brackets to come loose, such as:

  • Ice
  • Chewing gum
  • Caramels
  • Nuts
  • Popcorn
  • Corn on the cob

Treatment Time

Typically, you’ll wear braces for approximately a year or more, but this can vary depending on the severity of your malocclusion.


AcceleDent is a device that uses soft pulses to speed up the movement of your teeth. It’s FDA approved and combined with braces and Invisalign treatment to reduce your overall treatment time significantly.

This device has a mouthpiece that you insert into your mouth. It then omits vibrations or micro pulses that go to the roots of your teeth. These vibrations increase cellular activity, which causes your teeth to move more easily.

AcceleDent is easy to use, and you don’t have to use your hands to keep it in the right place. You also only have to use it for 20 minutes daily to get results.

Find an Orthodontist to Help You Get Beautiful Teeth

Now that you know how an orthodontist can help you get beautiful teeth and a healthier smile, it’s time to take the next steps.

For a fantastic smile makeover, it’s time to turn to Jacobus Orthodontics in Fort Pierce. We offer Invisalign, braces, translucent braces, and AcceleDent. Our professional staff is caring, friendly, and ready to help you with all your orthodontic needs.

We treat both adults and children and look forward to helping you. Makes sure you contact us today to see why we’re the best orthodontist for you!