In North America, about four million patients younger than age 18 wear braces. As an adult, you might not want metal wires and brackets affecting your smile. Instead, talk to your orthodontist about Invisalign.

Invisalign’s clear aligners offer a discrete treatment option for patients of all ages. However, it’s important to use these Invisalign tips during the course of your treatment. Otherwise, you might not see results right away. 

Ready to start your Invisalign treatment? Read on to learn everything you need to know before receiving your aligners!

Care for Your Aligners

During the course of your treatment, you’ll receive new pairs of Invisalign aligners (or “trays”). Each pair will bring your teeth closer together and into proper alignment. You’ll wear each pair for one to two weeks (depending on your treatment plan).

While you’ll replace each pair of trays, it’s still important to care for your aligners. Otherwise, they could experience staining.

Remember, one of the benefits of choosing Invisalign is the discretion. Friends, family members, and coworkers might not notice your aligners are in place. If you fail to care for your aligners, however, discoloration can occur.

Make sure to remove your aligners before eating or drinking anything (besides water). Beverages like coffee, tea, or wine can cause staining. It could become more obvious that you’re wearing your aligners if staining can occur. 

When cleaning your aligners, don’t use hot or cold water. Instead, use lukewarm water to avoid warping the plastic. If warping occurs, the aligners might not fit properly.

To take care of your aligners:

  • Brush and floss before putting them on
  • Rinse with lukewarm water
  • Store them in a safe place
  • Avoid eating with them on
  • Clean them every day

Don’t clean your aligners with toothpaste or soak them in mouthwash. The mouthwash could cause discoloration. Instead, use a soft brush to gently remove bacteria and plaque. 

Take Them Out

Always remove your aligners to brush, floss, eat, or drink. Removing your aligners gives you the chance to clean them. It can also help you avoid discoloration or staining.

If you’re struggling to remove your aligners on your own, consider using a tool to pull them out. Invisalign offers their PULTOOL and PUL System to make removing the trays easier. 

Carry Your Case

After removing your aligners, don’t put them on a napkin or tabletop. You could unintentionally toss or damage your trays. Instead, always carry your Invisalign case with you. 

Placing your trays into their designated case will allow you to protect them.

Brush and Floss

After removing your Invisalign aligners, make sure to floss and brush your teeth twice a day.

Flossing and brushing your teeth will help you minimize plaque formation. Brush and floss after meals to keep food particles from getting trapped against the plastic. Otherwise, bacteria, saliva, and food particles can mingle to form plaque.

Plaque can increase your risk of tooth decay.

While brushing and flossing your teeth, consider soaking your aligners using Invisalign cleaning crystals. These crystals can minimize bacterial growth, stains, and odor. 

Consider carrying a to-go oral hygiene kit with you. If you eat while out, you can brush and floss before putting your aligners back in. 

Visit Your Orthodontist

Schedule follow-up appointments with your orthodontist as instructed. They’ll provide you with new trays as your treatment progresses.

Regular visits with your orthodontist also give them the chance to assess your teeth. If they notice you’re not progressing as planned, they might make adjustments to your treatment plan. 

During these appointments, let your orthodontist know if you’re experiencing any problems. 

Keep Old Aligners

When switching to a new set of Invisalign aligners, don’t toss your old aligners out. Instead, hold onto them for about two weeks.

If you lose or damage your current pair of aligners, you can return to the previous set. When this occurs, make sure to let your orthodontist know right away. 

Wearing your old aligners while you wait for new ones to arrive can help you avoid delays in your treatment plan. 

Wear Your Aligners

One of the top benefits of choosing Invisalign over metal braces is that you can remove your aligners. You won’t have to make major adjustments to your diet (as you would with metal braces). Make sure to remove your aligners before meals. 

You’ll need to wear your Invisalign aligners for 20 to 22 hours a day. While it might seem obvious, some patients neglect to put their aligners back in after eating. Neglecting to wear your aligners for at least 20 hours a day could cause a delay in your treatment plan.

Routine check-ups with your orthodontist give them the chance to assess your progress. If you’re not wearing your aligners, they’ll notice you’re not on track.

You might have to continue straightening your teeth with Invisalign longer than expected. 

If there’s a reason you’re not wearing your aligners, let your orthodontist know. They might provide additional Invisalign tips that can help. 

For example, maybe you’re not wearing your aligners due to discomfort or soreness. It’s normal to feel minor discomfort when you start treatment. However, the pain and discomfort should subside as you adapt to your aligners. 

To minimize discomfort, consider switching to a new tray at night, instead of at the beginning of the day.

You’re most likely to experience discomfort when you first begin using a new tray. The trays will bring your teeth closer each week. Switching to new trays at night will allow for about seven hours of uninterrupted wear time. 

During that time, your teeth and gums could better adapt to the new aligners. You might experience less discomfort during the day.

Start Using These Invisalign Tips for a Stunning Smile

Don’t risk delaying your Invisalign treatment plan. Instead, use these Invisalign tips to straighten your teeth without delays. Following these tips will enhance your smile while allowing you to protect your aligners.

Prioritize your orthodontic and oral health with these tips today!

Ready to begin treatment? We can’t wait to see you.

Contact us today to schedule your appointment.